Just got a text message from Carrie (Peter's girlfriend) and they should be here Saturday night. They are driving up from Fresno, CA and leave around 6 am Saturday morning. It is about a 12 hour drive according to Mapquest, and that is probably if you follow posted speed limits, which nobody driving I5 does.
They will be here for a week and I'm so excited. I wish I had taken the whole week off, but oh well. I don't have to work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - day after Thanksgiving sales WOOHOO!
Wednesday I have pies to bake, side dishes to put together, and I'm going to have Terye teach me to make homemade bread (again - been taught like 10 times...wondering when it will stick). Thursday is Turkey day. Friday I will be hitting at least one day after Thanksgiving sale. I LOVE the madness...crazy I know. And I'll take all that want to come. Friday evening is zoo lights!! And Saturday they have to go home :(
BUT IT WILL BE AN AWESOME WEEK! I've been a little lonely all by myself in Oregon...glad to have some visitors!