When I said I always wanted a white Christmas I wanted it to wait until Christmas day to start snowing!
Our weather lately has been dubed 'Artic Blast 2008' by the local media cuz they're special like that.
Our first snow was 12/14/2008 and it snowed, turned to ice, and then melted, which is normal for Oregon. But we didn't stay snow free for long! We got a little bit, then a little bit more, and then a bunch more. The kids last week of school was cancelled one day at a time and so their winter break was extended by a whole week. Lucky kids!
We got to play in the snow a tad, venture out to finish our Christmas shopping last Saturday, got a cold that knocked us on our butt, and got to just stay home doing whatever. Adam has been having a grand ole time with his video games and books. And Carus has been finishing up an art project. She is so creative!
We are getting another round of snow today into Christmas morning (hehehe) and we are supposed to drive out to St. Helen's this evening when I get off work (we are hoping that I'm able to get off early). Right now it is raining and melting everything, which will help driving maybe...until it refreezes - can you say ICE RINK on the road!
Gramma and Poppy are driving up today and are due around 5-6 pm. I'm so happy they are spending Christmas with us, but sad that they are only sticking around until Saturday. Quick visits feel so rushed and inconvenient.
Here's a slide show of some pics I have, there will be more to come I'm sure. Also, you can always check out my