
23 June 2010

Happy birthday to me!

Robert has no patience and because of that I got my birthday present last night - 6 days early!

He says it's because he leaves tomorrow to go to Denver for work, but he will be back Friday evening.

Either way - more fun for me :)

He got me a new lens for my camera:

Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AF

06-22-10Here are a couple pictures I took last night playing around a bit - they are straight out of the camera, no editing done.

They aren't the greatest, but were the best I got last night. It is difficult to get the animals to hold still long enough for me to focus and click the shutter.

And I was doing the focusing on my own, the camera/lens wasn't doing auto focus (like it's supposed to). From what I can find this morning, the autofocus on this lens doesn't work with the D40.

Why? I dunno.

Its probably all a conspiracy to make you spend more money on 'better' lenses or camera bodies...


I got some tips on how to focus better - still doing it manually, but that might be better for me in the long run....

Not sure how to work the f-stops - but hopefully I will find/figure that out soon.

I will be spending my lunch break today forcing the kids to be my models.

21 June 2010

School mornings

Getting up early is hard. Thank goodness summer vacation is here!

This was taken one morning after getting the kids up for school.  They were getting breakfast, well when they finally got their eyes open they did....

20 June 2010

Happy Father's Day!!

To all the fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and the father's to be - Happy Father's Day!

To Robert -

Thank you for being their father! You are the best and I am so happy to get to share them with you!

I love you!

17 June 2010

Now with pictures!

Yup, I have FINALLY uploaded the pictures from my camera to my computer.  I was behind a whole month!

I am still organizing them and then I'll edit a few, but I wanted to start sharing so without further delay I present pictures posted randomly over the next few weeks with minimal explanation initially.

To start out, we have a few pictures taken of the kids last school carnival (unless their new schools do school carnivals), just hamming it up for the camera.

The bunny ears are a constant.  Someone poses for the camera, and someone else inevitably tries to give them bunny ears.

I wonder if I will be in trouble with Adam for posting this picture....

07 June 2010

The maze and door vs. cat

Just wanted to give a small update.  Still no pictures.  They are all on my camera where they are safe until we get the server hooked up so I can download them to there for permanent storage.  After a recent breakdown over losing about 50 pictures I do not want to experience the breakdown over losing about a months' worth. 
It wouldn't be pretty.

But someday you will get to see! If you're good.

Unpacking is moving along, very slowly, but it's moving.  I found a really good method for getting about 3 unpacked in 30 minutes - look for a vase (or something else you really really want).  I knew which box I had packed the majority of my vases in, but couldn't remember if I had stashed one or two in a few other boxes.  Those boxes were easier to get to since I knew where they were. 

I had not. 

Oh well, my china is completely unpacked and I did find a vase for a few peonies I had cut from my yard.

FROM MY YARD!!! I love having pretty flowers in my yard.  I also have quite a few rose bushes, but they aren't too healthy right now. I hope I can fix that.  There is also a few of this one kind of bush that I know will eventually bloom, but I have no idea what it is or what the flowers will be like.  They too, like the roses, are COVERED in aphids.  For now.

Getting boxes out of the garage to unpack is 'fun' all by itself.  The garage is stuffed full of all our stuff.  I've worked out a few maze-like trails to get through.  I have one to the freezer and one to the area where all my boxes seem to be, which also seem to be under all of Robert's SUPER heavy boxes.

Speaking of the garage - looks like we're in the market for a new door opener.  The sellers went out and bought us a second door opener remote a few weeks before moving out, which was really nice of them.  However, that's when the opener became possessed.  It opens the garage by itself at random moments throughout the day and night.  The neighborhood seems safe enough so I'm not too concerned about someone trying to run off with our heavy boxes, but I still don't want the door open. 

We've found it open when coming home several times and this morning when Robert left to take the kids to school and go to work he found it open again. 

At first he thought the new remote had just accidentally gotten reprogrammed onto a neighbors' frequency, but after reprogramming the remotes several times and some other attempts at fixing it, it is just staying possessed.  So new opener it is....

I should have told everyone to go buy stock in HomeDepot before we signed - we have spent more money there in the past month than I would like to admit.

This last weekend we worked on the kids rooms and ripped out about 6 bushes - which Peter identified over the phone as Heavenly Bamboo (my neighbor called them that too).  YAY PETER!  Peter has a great green thumb, I wish he lived closer. Now we can walk around the porch to the backyard without feeling like we're going through a jungle.  We have about 6 more that need to be pulled so we can put a second door on the porch to get to the backyard more easily.  I am going to try to move those.  They are still small and look a lot healthier (probably because they didn't have to be constantly hacked to get by them) and they are very pretty bushes.  We'll see how moving goes.  If they become a pain, they get tossed.

I don't think Simba is taking the move that well.  He started out very nervous about being outside (the neighbor has three large, loud labs) but is now making 'rounds' like he usually does.  He has been caught 'marking' in the house twice, which I don't get.  He has access to a perfectly fine litter box, is the only cat allowed outside, and he has been fixed so he shouldn't have that urge anymore.  This morning he was also found in the garage peeing on Robert's mechanic overalls - the outside was right there - WHY SIMBA WHY?!

He has also decided that the small rip in the screen of the patio door needed to be larger so it could accomodate him as his personal cat door.  I have squirted him to the point he was dripping (all in one afternoon) in an attempt to try to teach him not to go through there, and still he goes through. 

I might be making him a strictly outdoor kitty.

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