
16 March 2015

Beach Trip - Girls only!

A few weeks ago Barb took me and Carus (and Yoda) to the beach for a girls only beach day.

It was gorgeous! We stopped in Tillamook at the Tillamook Cheese Factory and we perused their gift store while eating some really good ice cream.  Then we went down to Lincoln City to walk along the beach for a bit before grabbing a late lunch/early dinner and heading home.  It was a really lovely day.  Thanks for taking us, Barb!





Go here to see the rest of the photos.

15 March 2015

Project 52 - Week 10 - Look up

This theme worked well with spring and all the trees blooming.  

Looking up from ground level or...

...from standing.

A blooming tree at the barn.  All the trees around here are blooming.  It's officially spring.  

After I finished photographing the blossoms I switched to the barn cats.

Kitty photo bomb.



Rascal and Buddy.

And then it was time to photograph Carus and Scout.  She's working on a few things in preparation of their first show at the end of this month.  

Looking up at Carus while trying to keep Scout from licking my camera.

It makes him look really tall, huh?

Muffin again.

Week 11's theme is Letters

Project 52 - Week 8 - Long Exposure

I need to work on my waterfall photos...

Since it was day time and the sun kept coming out from behind clouds, I wasn't able to do any super long exposures. But I do plan on going back sometime.  This one is the longest at 3 second exposure.

The rest are less than 1 second exposures.  These all were lower little falls leading up to Little Lee Falls which is where I was planning on going. But then I got out there, found out that it was an additional 5 mile hike round trip and realized I wasn't prepared for that long of a hike especially considering I would have stopped along the way to take photos.  

I will go back, and make it to Little Lee Falls.

This is just a pathway I hiked through that I really liked.  Oregon has some beautiful forests.

The access road I started on towards the falls.  I couldn't drive on it. Well, technically I could if I wanted to risk getting locked in there.  I think there is another outlet along that road, but not completely sure and I'd rather not risk it.

I want to go back to this pool this summer.  It was LOVELY and had a little pebble beach.

Hanging moss

This theme was a few weeks ago, and the following theme was laughter and I ended up just skipping that week.  The past week, week 10 is Look Up. 

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