Carus and Scout had a good first show together. No ribbons were won this time, but loads of experience was gained and fun was had. They both did really well.
I was so nervous and wound up and worried for her safety. There were so many horses in the warm-up arena and some of the events were PACKED and I was so scared she or Scout would be hurt.
They did great. Carus watched out for his blind side. He didn't flip out at any of the new stuff he was experiencing, nor at not being able to see. He was a bit of a lookie-loo, turning his head and occasionally his body around trying to see what was going on. She kept her seat nicely and he had a slow jog when needed; both things that have been a bit elusive to Carus lately.
And he was so pretty! Karen (his owner) picked up Carus the day before the show and they had a little trail ride and then they scrubbed a winter's worth of mud and muck off of Scout and he was so bright and white! He had several people comment on how clean he was - often fellow white horse owners. They know the struggle!
It was a looooong day, but really good. Carus is happy with their performance and knows what she wants to work on for the next show. Geneva was a god-send! She hauled Scout, helped with last minute touch ups on Carus and Scout (white attracts dirt!), she helped Carus feel prepared, and me feel Carus was safe.
When we got back to the barn I took a few more photos (the one above) and Carus let Scout loose in the arena. He took off at full speed to the other end to see Luke and Texas who were being curious over the arena wall, then spun around and immediately laid down for a good roll.
Next show is the beginning of May.
Slideshow of the day.