
01 November 2015

Boo Bash

Carus and Scout had their first show of the year (year being the 4H year, which runs September through June) this weekend. It wasn't specifically a 4H show - more of an open show for all interested to come from peewee (4-9) to older and wiser (40+) and was a gaming show with a costume contest. (Gaming in horses are courses/obstacles that are ridden horseback AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.)

For the costume contest, they were pirates.  Scout's missing eye lends perfectly to the eye patch.

We had a little photoshoot at the barn the week before to fully document the costume.  

Carus's shirt, pants, and both hats were found at Goodwill. I made the vest using some old vinyl/pleather material we had from refinishing a piano bench a couple years ago. It's a very simple vest with holes punched for lacing - leftover leather lacing bought for another craft project. Using the same vinyl material and some yarn we made the eye patch for Scout.

The day of the photos, the sky was amazing with lovely clouds and pretty colors in the sunset and the moon at just the right height. 

The bridle Scout is wearing is the one Carus won in the raffle at Horse Fair back in June. It fits him perfectly and has heart-shaped pieces all along both sides and across the brow-band.

He had no problem with the hat or eye patch whatsoever. He's such a good boy!

Halloween Day - Boo Bash

Warming up before the contest starts. 

Just put on the finishing touches - hats (Carus's was tied onto her helmet which she needs to wear always when riding*) and Carus, Scout, and I posed for a photo with Karen (Scout's owner and our ride).

Walking the circle for the judge.

First place in the costume contest!! Blue ribbon for Carus and a new one-eared bridle for Scout.

Waiting out of the rain for her next turn at the games. She had a lot of fun with the games. After every run she would say she wanted to go again! Too bad games are one shot, fast as you can, sort of deal. We'll practice them at our home barn.

I made a little video of the clips I took of their runs. I'm still not a great videographer...or video editor, but hey, I try.  I even figured out how to put it to music!  (You can view the video here on YouTube.)

The prize haul. 

*Yes, she was without the helmet for the photoshoot but that was in a controlled environment while they were standing still/posing for just a moment.

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