I keep feeling like things will slow down next week or next month; and then next week or next month arrives and everything is just as crazy and busy as it was before.
Or it feels more crazy and busy than it really is and I'm just losing my marbles. I don't know anymore.
The horse that Carus started the 4H year with, Caly, didn't work out. They weren't connecting and it just became a battle of wills between a young horse and a frustrated kid. We were sad as Caly is a sweet horse that Carus did enjoy riding, but it's not fair for her or Carus to keep trying where it wasn't working.
Also, I had incredible amounts of anxiety over quitting too early. I do not like to "give up" even if it's in my best interest and I'm more realistically just moving on.
We asked around a little and quickly got a few geldings to try (Carus insists that she can connect to geldings better cause mares be crazy).
Introducing (sort of): New lease horse, Chester. (This is totally old news if you're on Facebook.)
So far Chester is working out great. If you ask Carus how it's going you will get no words, but instead some excited squealing while she clutches her hands to her face and/or bounces up and down.
She hearts Chester.
She's still finding school tough to navigate this year; mostly the 2 AP classes and 2 honors classes have her feeling a bit stretched thin, on top of the emotional lows of losing Scout.
My washer motor broke a few weeks ago. The direct drive motor is not supposed to break EVER but yeah mine did. Thankfully I have a handy husband who was able to get the parts ordered despite the customer service reps saying "yeah, no the motor can't break it's not the motor" and then got them installed. I was only without a washer for a week. Surprisingly...not surprisingly? I was anxious about not being able to do laundry for a week. Cause I'm a weirdo. Or I have issues. Both?
The master bath is still not done. We had to save up to purchase the vanity and then we decided the shower stall was beyond cleaning up so we had to search for new glass walls and doors that would fit our the insert which took forever. Since the new floor was already in we were not replacing the whole thing. Then, the granite counter top we like is now out of stock. We found a new supplier so now just saving up a bit more so we can order because it's more expensive than the first one was. (And yes, all of the we's in that above paragraph refer to Robert. He's doing all the leg work and hard work. I'm in charge of painting.)
Adam is now coming up on the end of his second semester of college and seems like he's floating along. He is still doing a general transfer degree with plans to transfer to a 4 year college at the end of 2 years of community college and still isn't sure what the end goal is. Occasionally I panic for him and start worrying that he hasn't figured it out yet.
The master bath is still not done. We had to save up to purchase the vanity and then we decided the shower stall was beyond cleaning up so we had to search for new glass walls and doors that would fit our the insert which took forever. Since the new floor was already in we were not replacing the whole thing. Then, the granite counter top we like is now out of stock. We found a new supplier so now just saving up a bit more so we can order because it's more expensive than the first one was. (And yes, all of the we's in that above paragraph refer to Robert. He's doing all the leg work and hard work. I'm in charge of painting.)
Adam is now coming up on the end of his second semester of college and seems like he's floating along. He is still doing a general transfer degree with plans to transfer to a 4 year college at the end of 2 years of community college and still isn't sure what the end goal is. Occasionally I panic for him and start worrying that he hasn't figured it out yet.