Texas froze over, most of eastern Portland metro was having horrible ice storms, and we got some snow and sleet. We still had ice but no where as bad as elsewhere. And the dogs could still play in it.
Leia is getting quite gray now. She's 10. She still runs and plays hard, but she feels that later and will start limping and having trouble getting up.
Leia used to jump up and down this retaining wall A LOT. We call her monkey for a reason. She can jump high and really liked to even if we tried to slow her down or stop her.
Chewie won't jump as often, but he was having a blast running through the snow playing chase and tackle with Leia and dove off the retaining wall a few times to escape her because he knows she'll only jump once.
Chewie won't jump as often, but he was having a blast running through the snow playing chase and tackle with Leia and dove off the retaining wall a few times to escape her because he knows she'll only jump once.
For Valentine's day I made chicken parmesan from scratch cause it's one of our favorite meals. We were all snowed in and we're still in a pandemic, and we don't really like going to restaurants on the busy days anyways even if they were open so it was better to chill at home.
This is my hue shift afghan that I've been working on/not working on for like 5 years now. I don't remember when I started it. There are four sections of the afghan, and this is the end of section one. I'm having a horrible time with this last block and have had to rip it out and start completely over 5 times. I keep dropping a stitch or forgetting a decrease or doubling the decrease or I dunno what's wrong but it's wrong. I got a little bit further than this photo and put it up for the night, and haven't had a chance to pick it up again. I'll eventually finish it and it will be lovely.
Us over on the west side were finally thawed enough to get the horses out. They won't get turned out when it's sleet or ice since it's miserable for them and/or they could slip and get hurt.
If you look close you can see the rainbow right above Chester. We had a pons at the end of the rainbow!
I got stuck on the couch under a Chewers. I sat down to watch a show, he curled up next to me and fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him.
There was another really awful stormy day, and because it just makes Chester look miserable I had them keep him in for the day.
Since he stayed in and didn't get a lot of movement, Carus had him run around the arena a little when we went out for chores.
He kept trying to go over and stand in the mud. Cause he's a weirdo.