I have been wanting to do this for many years and for one reason or another I would miss it. Well I found out when it was this year early enough for me to join in and the kids liked the idea of participating with me so they joined in. I am so proud of them for walking the full 5K (3.1 miles) and not complaining or whining at all! They are so proud of themselves and that makes me even more proud.

Portland's Race for a Cure this year was the largest event on the west coast and I believe it! It was SO packed! We had to wait 30 minutes before we could even leave the starting line. This picture was taken when we were about halfway done and there were 3 times that amount ahead of this and just as many behind us. This was just the 5K walk. There were 3 other 'races' before ours.

We had music along the way, and cheerleaders encouraging everyone to keep going. There were people in costumes and the kids got to get a picture with Chewbaca! They loved that. Many people had signs sharing those they have lost to breast cancer, which made me teary-eyed and there were many funny named teams (Hula Hooters and Save the Tatas). People in pink shirts were survivors (or current fighters) and there were SO many pink shirts in the sea of white...
When we were all done I took them out to lunch at Shari's - but the pic from that isn't great; perhaps the server thought I wasn't going to tip him.
The kids said they hope to participate again next year - and I hope we can too.
I LOVE the chewbacca picture!! And it is really awesome you guys did that! It may inspire me one day...