So much has happened in 8 years, it really feels like time has flown by.
Wow, we have changed! Ugh, now I feel old...
We lounged around and watched movies, walked around Astoria, went to the Astoria column, but didn't get to climb to the top, tried to find a lighthouse without a map or directions (whim thing and I wasn't prepared) and walked the beaches (and froze because we forgot sweaters).

It was a very nice weekend. I had a great time and found it very relaxing. We had dropped the kids off at gramma's on our way out and picked them back up on our way home. And after a quick clean up of the house by everyone when we got home, and getting laundry going again, I got to spend the rest of Monday vegged out on the couch and reading while Robert worked on his computer.
P.S. Lots more pictures to come - ran outta room on Flickr for this month and don't have time for a longer post right now... check out what is on flickr now by clicking here.
Congrats on 8 years!!!