We were photographing under the Fremont Bridge in Portland.
After my photography workshop Robert and I met up with some friends for lunch and to go get the guys fitted for suits for these friend's wedding. I really liked the colorful rows of TIES at The Men's Warehouse.
233/365 - Adam and Carus are back! They had a good trip and I'll try to upload their pics tomorrow or something. I missed them! Who'da thunk it?
234/365 - Eeek, yearly review at work was today. I'm nearing the anniversary of my start date of my job - just finished my 3rd year - and every year on/around the anniversary date I have to be reviewed. This is supposed to be my worried face...
But don't worry, the review went well. I AM awesome, of course.*
*I know it's not evident by the photo so you are just going to have to trust me.
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