344:366 - Simba was not happy with me. His ears were back and his tail was twitching. He got a treat for playing along.
Timmy wasn't happy with me, but after some loves he warmed up to it.
Not pictured in the Santa hat is Wilbur - he let me put it on and I almost had a picture taken when Leia decided to put her nose all up in his business and he ran off.
Leia had to be bribed with several doggy treats to get the antlers on, and to keep them on. The antlers kept flopping over onto her face and she was trying to take it off and bite the antlers at the same time.
Yoda was the best. He let me put it on, adjust it because it was too big for him, and pose him for a few pictures before I got him some doggy treats.
Is it tormenting the animals if they let me do it?
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