Wine with dinner. My second glass, actually. We were still in Washington visiting, and having a grand time. The boys had spent the day on the shooting range and the girls shopping Hobby Lobby (I need one of those stores near me....or maybe not). It was also day 1 of 7 days, spring. I nearly forgot, but thankfully a browse through Instagram reminded me.
Carus's day 1.
Sophie was mid yawn.
Day 2, 82/365
Road tripping home. The drive home was much quicker, and went better. We had Leia stay in the back and though she occasionally tried to climb over onto the kids, she did much better. I'm going to start working on her riding-in-the-car manners. Her car rides are usually to the dog park, 2 minutes away, so it's very exciting and very quick. Yoda got to chill on top of the pillows and folded blankets.
Carus's day 2.
Can you find her?
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