I'm feeling a bit blah and uninspired about my 365. Or my photography in general.

And more than a little bit burnt out. On the 365 and the blog.

(93/365 - A girl and her dog)
I feel like I'm boring and have nothing good to say.

(94/365 The elusive Wilbur)
I don't think it is helping that these photos the past week are really not my best work. I do the 365 to improve as a photographer, which I did not do. Although the focus in that picture of Yoda above is pretty good as well as in Carus's swinging photo, and the flower below looks pretty (not amazing, just pretty). It's not enough...

(95/365 This ended up being the only photo I got Friday, so hey - self portrait day.
Instagram image)
Nothing exciting is going on either. It's all work and school and chores and rain. How much more can I talk about/complain about any of those?
work and school - same ol' same ol'
weather - Oregon spring (rain with sprinkling of sun - but it's warmer).
chores - I need a maid and chef or a clone, but she would want a maid and chef too so back to that option.

(96/365 Swinging. Chasing wind.)
With the weather "improving" there are more trips to the dog park, and things are blooming, but otherwise, nothing is changing.

Bleeding hearts)
Another week has come and gone,
and things to share I have none.
The year, it speeds by,
the year, it does fly.