Tomorrow is Adam's first day of school and Thursday is Carus's, and I have a wedding to photograph on Saturday. This week is going to be BUSY!
My in-laws took us to a baseball game last Wednesday as we have a sort of local sort of professional baseball team (local = town about 30 minutes away and professional = minor league). We saw the Hillsboro Hops play the Eugene Emeralds. It was a fun game with perfect weather (not too hot, though it did rain but we were under an awning). We'd love to go again...but we might have to wait until next season since this one might be over.
Sunset view from the garden.
Sleeping Yoda. He does that a lot...
Carus got a new haircut for back to school and she got bangs - well, more bangs than she already had. She loves her new haircut and I can't blame her. I do too.
Found a praying mantis on my dahlias out front. S/he watched me taking his/her picture (seriously, followed me moving around - creepy) and then climbed the window, which interested the cat, then got knocked off the window and flew onto me causing me to scream and Robert to laugh and then Leia came over to check him/her out and she tried to eat him/her. Leia is such a scared-y cat that she is practically afraid of her shadow, but a bug - no problem.
Nice picture of Carus,Thanks for sharing.BV