7 days, day 3
Carus is watching movies next to me while I work. All the Harry Potter movies shall be watched this week, I think. I get to see bits and pieces between work and she gets to hang out with me which keeps big brother from complaining she is bugging him.
7 days, day 4
Happy Christmas Eve
We were watching a movie - Santa Clause (with Tim Allen, I love Tim Allen).
Then I ended up staying up until 1 am finishing up the pillow cases I made for Robert, Adam, and Carus. Robert was trying to get me to hurry up on Carus's (when I was trying to hide I was in the middle of working on his) and come to bed and then he saw his and clued in...too bad it was after his surprise was ruined. He still liked them.
He and his mom have problems with keeping surprises secret. They both give out the right amount of clues or sly smiles that clue you in on things; and Robert seems to be extra good at sussing out his surprises - mostly by being in the right place at the wrong time like last night. He was hovering. I was trying to convince him I was okay sewing by myself and he should go to bed while trying to hide the pillowcase evidence from him and then he came over to me - the exact opposite of what I wanted him to do - and looked down. He slyly hid that he figured me out and left the room. (Well, he thought he hid it but when he looked down, looked at me, shut up and then went to bed with his cat like I had been telling him to, I pretty much figured it out. I'm a smart one like that.)
He let me "surprise" him, and I let him believe that he let me surprise him. And for that, I love him.
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