Sacking the quarterback. He's done it before, but this is the first time I've been able to catch it (clearly) with my camera. I even got a sequence!
Getting past the guy who was blocking him.
Hitting the guy with the ball. You can't see Adam really well here. He is on the side of the quarterback.
Holding on. Adam is on his knees and trying to pull the guy down.
Still hanging on. See Robert in the background? Gray shirt, red hat, sunglasses. He was holding the down score keeper tracker thing (do not know what it is called).
I'm not sure if Adam turned him to help bring him (QB) down, another player turned him to bring him down, or he (QB) turned to try to shake Adam and team. Either way this is where he started to come down.
Adam's on the ground, you can see the 8 on his jersey. He's still hanging on.
And now he gets to be on the bottom of the pile.
When Adam was on the field he seemed to be lined up to tackle a kid called Big Jake (name changed to protect the innocent). He got his Big nickname because of his size. That's him against Adam in the picture below. He is a 5th grader and is much bigger than Adam.
Here Adam is getting by Big Jake, which he was able to do regularly.
Big Jake has a jerky dad. Robert was holding the down flag thing yesterday so he was on the couch/team side of the field. They keep the parents on the other side so that kids don't have to listen to parents comments because sometimes those comments aren't too nice. Robert was saying every time Adam got passed Big Jake, Jerky Dad would be yelling at his son that he was a wuss and #87 was smaller and shouldn't be able to get by him and blah blah blah. Basically it took all Robert had not to smack the dude up side his head.
And this isn't the first time Jerky Dad has been a little aggressive. A few weeks ago Jerky Dad ran onto the field during a game to yell at another kid on the other team. A grown man felt the need to yell at an 11/12 year old kid (5th/6th grade) JUST because he had a good move, probably getting by Big Jake and that made Jerky Dad mad. The organization suspended Jerky Dad and his son from a few games.
I don't think Big Jake should be punished for his dad's behavior - only if his is reprehensible, which according to Adam, can be - and I would have liked to see Jerky Dad expelled from all games, etc. But eh, what are you going to do...
I don't think we will play this team again, but if we do, I hope Jerky Dad stays on his best behavior. I hope he does for any other teams they play against too.
In this picture below, they have Big Jake (78) and another boy on Adam. I didn't get the picture, because the sun was going down and my camera had to think longer between pictures, but Adam did get through them.
Also, last night after practice (Thursday night) we found out that Adam broke his tooth, possibly at this Wednesday game... He says it doesn't bother him at all and it isn't hurting, but off to the dentist we will go. And we may end up getting another mouth guard. I've prepared myself for injuries, it's a tough sport. I guess we've been lucky that other than some bruises and sore muscles we haven't had any injuries, but I'm a little frustrated that his tooth is broken. I think it is because I've prepared myself for a broken bone and I'm expecting that. Every time he holds his arm or rubs his wrists after a play, or limps off the field, I prepare myself for x-rays and broken bones - but none. HA! Strong bones! Oh wait, teeth are a bone. Well there ya go, our first broken bone.
Many years ago my husband and I coached a little league baseball team. The first year was a lot of fun. The second year, we had a few Jerky Dads to deal with and it was the last year we coached. Too bad some folks just never grow up.