Also, I'm sick. So I'm using it as an excuse. Carus brought home the death cold TWO weekends ago and I have been fighting it off since. I lost and now my lungs hurt. I need to cough it out, but don't wanna cause that hurts and I don't actually want to succeed in dislodging my lungs from my body, but anyhoo...
This is going to be a long post, but I'll try to keep things as short as possible. And I felt bad about the no picture thing so you'll get some. HA! NOT LAZY!
But I'm not changing the title. Crap, back to lazy.
Adam - Lost 2 touchdowns to 1
Gramma Barbara, Carus, and Daddy all ready for Adam's game.
Carus had two games.
1st game: Lost (don't remember the score)
2nd game: Lost 3 to 2
Rain rain rain! IT RAINED. And we got wet. But not as wet as the kids.
Carus's game - They won 3 to 1.
Soggy Carus
Adam's team won 4 touchdowns to 1. (Adam is 87)
Rain was our good luck charm. YAY Rain!
K, I know there is one more game for Carus and one more game for Adam to go through, but I haven't even organized those pictures and my head is pounding so without further ado...
TOODLES! I'm going to hit the NYQUIL!
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