In the fall we love daylight savings. That extra hour of sleep is wonderful and it doesn't seem to mess us up too bad.
But daylight savings in "spring" can suck it. I'm not kidding. At first I was all "this isn't that bad", Monday was awesome. We all dragged ourselves out of bed, not happy about it, but still up and got ready for the day. And were ready early. There were no bickering between the kids. There was no reminders to put on that shoe you've been putting on for the last 10 minutes already, you need to leave like now! It was good.
And then Tuesday showed up and taught me how it's done. Wednesday pretty much made me it's bitch.
I also found a new level of my phone sucks (I hate my cell phone, need a new one) in that because of the time change it decided that ALL my appointments and schedule reminders needed to be moved up an hour. Thankfully all the things I needed to remember I remembered without the reminders (for a change) and now that I've discovered the phone is a sneaky bastard I have reset all my reminders for the next 3 months.
I better not have this thing that much longer.
Piece of crap.
ANYHOO!!! On to the first half of my photo catch up for the week. I was able to get my Saturday through Monday pics uploaded Tuesday night, but they've been sitting in my
Flickr stream since. And after this I still have my Tuesday through...and I need to find something to take a picture of today.
71/365 - Carus.
72/365 - Robert and Adam ran off to the grocery store Friday night to pick up some snacks for movie night, and Robert returned with this bouquet of roses because my vase was empty. :)
73/365 - Look, a self portrait. Robert thinks I look pissed off. I don't really see that. I started out smiling but after 20 shots of blurry me or nothing I sorta just stood there. I think I have a small smirk. Also - LOOK at my pretty earring! (Can't see the other one) It's a new set I got on
girls night out with Carus a few weeks ago and I love them. They are large and a bit heavy, but still so dangly. I like dangly earrrings.
74/365 - Mud spatters up the back of Carus during soccer practice. It's Oregon and it's raining pretty much non-stop around here and fields are muddy. Add in 10 girls (I think we have 10 girls on the team) running and kicking and things get a bit muddy. You should see them after they slip on the mud/grass. Sorry for the horrible bathroom lighting.
75/365 - Simba kitty.
In closing - this Saturday starts another run of
7 days and I enjoyed it sooo much
last time that I am going to play along again. I have asked Adam and Carus if they want to play along too and they both do. I'm really excited to see what they will come up with while at Gramma's house this weekend.