Smiley kitty!
The first vegetables out of our garden. The little one turned out to be not quite ready, but the bigger one (according to Robert) was good and a little spicy.
164/365 - Spiders may give me the heeby jeebies, but I can appreciate that they look kinda cool. Also, this guy only has 6 legs out BUT I'm pretty sure he has two up front that are tucked under him. I did not get close enough to confirm that.
165/365 - Sleepy pug.
166/365 - Adam's polite keep out note. He had just put it up, probably because he had spent most of the day trying to keep Carus out.
167/365 - Adam at the library, stocking up on books for the week. He checked out 8 or 9 and is already done with at least 4 of them. Oh, did I mention that this was only 2 days ago.
168/365 - Adam baking (by himself) lemon bars and they were good.
169/365 - Peony bouquet on my front porch because Robert has allergies.
Tomorrow is the start of the summer run of 7 days and I think I am going to play alone this time.
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