Because Robert can be a little picky he was not able to find a car he liked that wasn't a piece of junk locally, so....
So that we wouldn't have to pay for gas on my gas-guzzling Jeep and so we wouldn't have to drive two cars home, and therefore saving yet more gas, we rented a car to drive up there. It was a really nice car too. Brand new, less than 1,000 miles on it, leather (with the yummy new leather smell), VERY comfortable. I sorta wanted to just take this sucker home.
Except for the blindspots. They were BAD!!
Heading for the 405 bridge, which leads to I5.
Now going over the Interstate bridge. Goodbye Portland!
Entering Washington.
Hello Washington!
Little stop for lunch. Eat at Ms. Beesley's. Exit 59 (I believe) on I5. Pretty good hamburgers, chicken strips meh, french fries - ew.
Almost at our destination. Kent/Renton is part of the Seattle metro area.
We had 4 cars to look at, and we headed to Robert's first pick where we were met by the salesman saying someone "just" showed up and was currently trying to buy the car. Extremely frustrating to drive 4 hours for a car and have it sold. They knew we were coming, they spoke to us when we were about 15 minutes away, you would think they would put the damn thing in the garage or put a sold sign on it or something.
Good thing we had backup cars to look at! And even better, at other dealerships! Bastards don't need our money.
His second choice turned out to look much cleaner than the first one and we bought it.
Robert's new (to him) 2008 Mazda Speed3 (the hatchback car, not the van).
161/365 - Robert and his new car.
We signed the papers, filled gas tanks (rental too, costs less than having them fill it at $6/gallon), dropped off the rental car, and headed home...
Almost home.
Just one last stop for dinner. YUM!
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