Robert's car has been in the shop for a couple of days getting something or other replaced. It was replaced as part of a recall so it was free. Since his car was in the shop he has been driving mine. We went down after work today to pick up his car. He also had them do an oil change, but there's some iffiness with that so he might have to take it back next week, though that probably won't be a drop off and pick up later thing.
Anyways, as we were driving towards the dealership we got to enjoy the lovely view of Mount Hood.
My phone's camera does not do the view justice.
The good news there is...
The new battery for my camera did arrive today and we put it in the camera and.....
Haha, just kidding. I'm very, very, very glad that it's not dead - just a little sad I have no excuse to upgrade right now. I'll have to wait. Maybe I'll get enough moola for my birthday in a couple months that I'll be able to upgrade then.
Also - ALSO! Spring run 7days starts tomorrow. Get ready for a week of self portraits of me. I don't know yet if Carus or Adam will be participating with me - we'll see.
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