7days, day 3
Playing with the dogs.
Left to right from the top:
1. Aaaahh *bite*
2. Who's gonna win?
3. Imma gonna get your 'paterpiller.
4. Throw it already, please.
Carus 7days, day 3
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June 25
Write about a time you got in trouble with your parents when you were younger.
The Book of Myself
Meh, I don't feel inspired to do this one. I got in trouble a lot - sometimes for things that I really shouldn't have been in trouble for (and that's my opinion as a parent now, not as the person in trouble then) and sometimes for things I definitely should have been in trouble for. As well as for a few things I got away with that maybe I should not have gotten away with.
I think you should write a book still, Eula told me the other day she has been reading your blogs everyday. She says you are so talented!!! The way you write these blogs, We both see a good book comming in your future from you!! There is lots to write about. You always do a great job!! Thanks for inspiring us. B.V.