169:366 - Dogwood flower
Sunday, June 17
170:366 - Happy Father's Day. The candy card from the kids to Robert.
"Hey "Nerd",
Happy Father's Day! We decided to go on a "Spree". Your support would help us reach the "Milky Way" and together we are the "3 Musketeers". All of your jokes make us "Snicker" and bring us lots of "Joy".
Love you "Zotz",
Your "Sour Kids" Adam and Carus"
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Reverb Broads weekend round-up!
June 16
List all the idiotic things you have done for love.
List Your Self
Dude. So much stupid things. So. Much.
Some of them bad stupid things that I shouldn't have done no matter what. Some of them, totally stupid, but I would totally do them again.
June 17
What three things do you want more of in your life? What three things do you want less of?
Need more of, always:
1. Good friends and spending time laughing with those friends.
2. Good food.
3. Those things together. And probably more money and more time. Definitely more time - why does the weekend go so fast?!
Need less of:
1. Bills.
2. Spiders in the house. I don't care if they're outside not bothering me, but my house has a no spider rule. STOP building webs in the corners and behind things you bastards!
3. Cancer, cause we could all do without cancer.
Hey Beautiful flower and awesome Fathers Day card. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. B.V.