Saturday was going to be a yard work day, but Robert filled the yard debris bin Friday evening mowing the lawn and trimming some tree branches so I have to wait until this weekend. Oh darn.
So, it turned into a trip to Ikea to pick up new bookshelves for the kids rooms. The ones they had are too small.
We only got Adam's room cleaned up. Actually, Robert did it. I was making dinner.
This weekend we'll do Carus's. Oh wait, I'm supposed to do yard work. Hmm, choices choices...
Adam's been storing his excess books in the drawers under his bed since he didn't have room on his bookshelf, but now they are on the new bookshelf and his clothes are in the drawers under the bed. The new bookshelf is where the dresser and shelves on the wall (used for little trinkets, toys, and other clutter) were, and a coat hook was put up where the old bookshelf was - now his backpack and coat don't have to be tossed on the floor.
Sunday I did my grocery shopping and then some cooking ahead for the week. I set out to make 2 lasagnas, one for dinner this week and one for the freezer, and ended up with 3 lasagnas. Score! I also made 2 potato romanoffs (with bacon and garlic added), one for dinner this week and one for the freezer.
Today was back to work work and I'm ready for my vacation in two weeks and a nice little cat nap in front of a sunny window.
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