HERE is my new blog post Barb and Eula. Don't think you can boss me around now.*
Not a 365 (but sharing anyways), my first garden harvest. A lone little radish. Robert and I split it and it was good, and a little spicy. I harvested 3 more tonight that Robert ate within 5 minutes of me getting them washed. The littlest one was really spicy apparently as he had to quickly get a drink after eating it.
Now to the 365s.
Rhododendron. They're the neighbors, but I still enjoy them. They are much pinker in person.
Another flower of the neighbor's yard, a clematis I believe.
Sun beams through the sprinkler, seen while watering the garden at sunset. Making rainbows.
Sunbathing Simba. It's a hard life being a cat.
Carus - new bangs and new shirt and shorts. The kids are growing so fast (I know, right?!) and have outgrown yet MORE clothes! I just bought them shorts last summer. GAH!
I'm really having a hard time keeping Adam in clothes that fit; he's outgrown things as quickly as a month after purchase. Since I had to buy them clothes again we went to Goodwill and Salvation Army to find things for cheap - and we did. Carus got this shirt for $6. It's a brand name silk shirt. I'm a little bit jelly (jelly=jealous).
For Mother's day I made breakfast (I really wanted biscuits and gravy and no one can make it like I do) and did some laundry (I don't mind too much and the kids need clean clothes for school) and then went out to my in-laws place for the aforementioned BBQ and socializing. The food was good, conversation better, and fun was had by all. I borrowed the dogs for a bit wanting to take a nice photo of them. They were not cooperating too well as the treats were in my pocket, not next to them, but I did get this one. Coco is on the left and Lady is on the right.
*If you can't tell, that sentence was said teasingly and with lots of love. Barb is my mother-in-law and Eula is her mother-in-law and my sort of adopted grandma.
Hey Dear daughter, The blog is GREAT!! Yes i can tell you were teasing. LOL> Thank you for being so wonderful. I couldnt ask for a better daughter in law if i had to pick her out myself!! You are awesome and i am pretty darn lucky. Its a win win LOL. Please keep the blogs comming. I love reading them. Thanks dear. BV