Yep, I'm still a slacker. Still feeling a bit blah. I think I'm ready for the kids to be out for the summer, well sort of. It will be nice when I can sleep in a bit but at same time they will also be home all the time. Probably bickering at each other, which they do a lot of lately.
Last week Robert and I went over to Carus's school for the science fair. She tested which surface a tennis ball bounces higher off of. She dropped a ball from 12 inches on to carpet, cardboard, tile, and plywood (the floor in Robert's shed if you're curious where she found plywood). The plywood won; by 1/2 inch if I remember correctly.
There were a few projects that we've seen before at science fairs over the years, but there were a few new ones. Smart kids give me hope for the future.
Dance is also coming to a close with the school year. Carus's recital is June 21st. If you want to come, let me know so I can order you a ticket. All tickets have to be bought in advance.
Saturday we went to Faire in the Grove, and had fun. Robert and Adam wimped out early, mostly because it was hot (we seemed to have jumped into late spring/early summer)(I'm not complaining). I'll be uploading more pics from that day soon, and they'll be in this set on Flickr.
Sunday was hot again and we did a whole lot of nothing. I decided in the afternoon to go hang out in the shade under the tree in the front yard and read. Simba wandered over to harass me and that got the attention of this snake who was sunbathing nearby. He stayed put while I ran to grab my camera, but it wasn't much longer until Simba noticed him and then he had to take off for I dunno where. One minute he was there, the next he had disappeared into the grass.
Filling a pan with water, to make dinner, and needed a photo for the day. I like how it froze the water falling...
Hey great pics. I've been missing your blogs. Thank you. Yes please order me a ticket for June 21st. Thanks again. BV