
12 June 2013

Hey look, I have a blog.

Did you know that radishes can have flowers?  

157_365 06-06-13

I didn't.  

We had a hot week (80s) and quite a few of my remaining radishes went to flower... or bolted... whatever that's called.  

Lookie. Radish flowers.

Instead of pulling them, like I probably should, I'm letting them go.  I don't need the space (yet) and I'm curious. 

I'll call it doing science. 

158_365 06-07-13

Dogwood tree flowers.  Because of these flowers, particularly the pink versions, dogwoods are my favorite trees.  They're pretty in the fall too.

159_365 06-08-13

Fuzzy flowers.  They are going to go in the front flower bed if I ever get around to planting them.  And instead of those cacti that look fuzzy but are sharp and pointing and hurt when you pet them, this flower is actually soft.  

160_365 06-09-13

My first client's images all ready to be delivered with my new business cards.  I was so happy they liked them. (Instagram photo taken at like 11:58 pm when I realized I hadn't gotten a photo yet)

161_365 06-10-13
Last day of school.  Picture taken after school because Carus reminded me at bedtime Sunday night that she wanted to bring cookies for last day of school festivities and I ran out to get those cookies in the morning while they were getting ready and got back in time to get them on the bus and nothing else.  Yes, Adam wore his suit to school.  He likes to dress up and it was an excuse to wear it.  This picture was also right before taking him to his first school dance.  The school has done other dances, this one was just the first he was interested in.  Compare them to their first day of school pictures.  Carus still wants to be an artist, and Adam still isn't sure.  It's been suggested he become a teacher or an engineer.  He says maybe and then moves on.  Adam made the honor roll this year.  Carus would have as well (her grades are better than his) but her school doesn't do honor roll (weird?).  

162_365 06-11-13
African daisy in my yard.  Much prettier in person - I'm not great photographing flowers.

163_365 06-12-13

We went to the library and to Forest Grove's Farmers Market this evening.  They didn't have much for produce yet (just some berries).  We had dinner at Pizza Schmizza which has some interesting art on the walls.  I had my camera along because I needed a picture for the day and thought I'd find something interesting "downtown".

So ha, I'm caught up again.

And I'm caught up with my photography business work (i.e. editing pictures and preparing them for clients) and work work is caught up too. I'm feeling pretty cocky right about now. (knock on wood)

And now a shameless plug:

If you haven't already, and are on Facebook, give my page a like - and also share with your friends and family.  The more love I get on Facebook, the more I'm seen and potential clients become actual clients.  

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