
29 July 2013

Another one bites the dust

Looking back on the previous week it always feels like it went by so quickly. While in the middle of that week (or the current one), though, it doesn't really feel like that.

Not a whole lot is going on around here.  I'm working.  The kids are playing video games and reading and watching TV and occasionally bickering with each other.

Spider that was on the back porch.  I usually leave spiders alone as long as they stay outside because they eat bad bugs...and they're kind of cool to look at (thank you zoom lens).  This guy, though, didn't make it when I had Adam clean up the back porch.
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Just playing with the shaped bokeh kit Robert got me for my birthday this year.
205_365 07-24-13

Light painting with some leftover sparklers.  The kids stood still and Robert went around them.  I wish the sparkler lasted long enough for me to get a second shot because Robert took direction better and you might have been able to see the kids faces.  I was testing out a process because.... I've officially been hired to photograph my first wedding and there is some hope that we can get a few light painting photos at the end of the day.  The wedding is in about 5 weeks - I'm nervous and so very excited.
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Still have a few roses left to photograph... unfortunately, they're on their way out.
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Garden haul for the day (Saturday). Harvested a few more potatoes (which we ate tonight and YUM) and some green beans.  I only have one more potato hill left, my red potato hill. Those are bush beans, which I get a few of each day, but the pole beans are going to start producing any day now.
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I cleaned out my closet a bit and pulled some clothes to give to Goodwill (we usually clean out closets before back to school shopping each year) and Carus tried on a few of my dresses.  The blue one fit her mostly - it was just a bit too long.  The pink one though needed to be clipped in the back.  I told her she could have hte blue one for her first school dance, and now she can't wait.
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I've been watching Doctor Who with the kids - introducing them for the first time (I know, I'm a bad mom for waiting hahaha).  We've started with the new series starting with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper and the 9th Doctor and Rose.
210_365 07-29-13

Well, that's it for news around here.  See ya tomorrow... or probably more likely... next week.

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