
04 July 2013

More LeakyCon

The rest of the first day (and the second, third, and fourth days) was packed and exhausting.  Sooo much awesomeness that I just cannot write about it all.  We'd get up, get to the convention center and then go to as many lecture sessions/classes/group discussions/meetups as we could fit, then stumble home to crash and then get up and do it again the next day.

Carus posed with as many costumed people as possible.  The opening ceremony was brilliantly written, performed, and funny.  I took video of the final number of the opening ceremony.  Again, the quality of my video skills is lacking and it's also crooked (didn't look crooked when I was filming) but hey, I have video.  See it here.  (They uploaded a MUCH better quality video, here.)

We met up with friends (me, Carus, Bethany, and Jen)
Post 5K 7dayers meetup. #LeakyCon #latergram

Met the author of Eleanor and Park, an awesome book (and was too starstruck to ask for a picture or autograph, but did get this button).
Gotbutton bling from an awesome author. Next, want an autograph from her. #LeakyCon #latergram

Got more button bling.  Fangirl is Rainbow Rowell's third book that I'm excitedly waiting for the release of, as well as a Hufflepuff pin and Doctor Who 10 and a Doctor Who 11 "Bow Ties are Cool" pins.
More button bling. #Fangirl #LeakyCon #latergram

We met another awesome person, a friend of Bethany's, and posed with Vladimir Snape (I told you about him yesterday). And then went to more discussions/sessions/etc.
@Vladimirsnape #LeakyCon #latergram

Carus and I were part of the attempt to break the World Record of most people in one room wearing fake moustaches.  Prelim numbers were that 2,225 people participating and that breaks the previous number of 1500.
180_365 06-29-13

Carus playing Quidditch.  She played two rounds - one where she was a chaser (the one that throws the ball through the hoops) and one where she was the seeker (who catches the snitch) and she caught the snitch (and I got it on video, which is here).  (Rules/how to play the game can be found here with the International Quidditch Association ("Yes, that's a thing.  No, we cannot fly. Yet."))
181_365 06-30-13

I'll continue uploading pictures (I'm about halfway through now) to this set on Flickr. And here is the slideshow:

Anyone want to sponsor me going to LeakyCon next year?  It's in Orlando, FL and I would LOVE to go! I might even take the rest of the family along.  You know, if they're nice.


  1. Aw, you should have asked Rainbow for a picture or autograph! She's nice like that. :-)

    1. Hopefully next time I see/meet her I'll be not shy enough to ask. Thanks for the book recommendation, and the introduction! :)


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