The conference kicked off with a 5K run/walk. Carus and I participated, and walked it. A friend with a distance tracking app on her phone said it was actually more like a 6K. It was hot and muggy and I twisted my ankle halfway through (and continued to walk on it - a lot - for 4 days, which was probably not a good idea, but I wasn't missing anything I didn't have to miss). Everyone we met were extremely friendly and kind. There were amazing costumes and dedicated cosplayers.
Near the end of the

Carus, being awesome on the walk with me.

I didn't know Portland had a Lover's Bridge (like Paris's Lover's Bridge). Pretty cool if you ask me.

Fittie 5K slideshow:
These images can be seen on Flickr. More LeakyCon photos on Flickr, here.
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