
17 March 2016


 We're replacing the doors and trim in the house to a more craftsman style. It's a project that has been on Robert's to-do list since we bought the house but other projects and funds have delayed it. He has spent months mocking up the trim and redoing it and just as many months debating the style of doors he wanted. I would have preferred my kitchen counters replaced but I know this will be an improvement too (just not as much as new counters! I hate those things. So much!) and is a cheaper project.  I've been just letting him do most of the deciding, though the third (or fourth?) revision of the trim style is the last one. Dammit, that looks good too just leave it already. (I do like this last version the best.)

We have three pocket doors in the house, two in our bedroom for the closet and the bathroom, and one in the kitchen. They are being replaced as well to match.

Robert has replaced all of the bedroom doors and the kid's bathroom door (ours and Adam's pictured here) and the closet pocket door.  The master bath door is all that's remaining and it was waiting because of some roller smoothness issues discovered with the closet door.  He removed all the trim around the door a few days ago.  When closing the door, if you're not careful, the door can swing out a little bit and get caught on the wall.  You can't open the door from inside the bathroom when it's stuck because there's nowhere to grip to pull the door towards you the few millimeters it needs before you can slide it back into the pocket in the wall.

I've gotten stuck in the bathroom like four times already. 

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