
01 January 2010

Goodbye 2009


Saying "twenty ten" is going to take some getting used to.  I like it better than "two thousand ten" though.  Well maybe. 

2009 seemed to go by so quickly! It was a good year for us and 2010 promises an even better one.  I have lots of hopes for 2010, and tons of plans, and things to do, and places to go and people to see.  I've never done New Year's resolutions and I don't know if I want to start now. . .

I resolve to have a great year!

Hope you have a good one too!
I'm in jail for like the 10th time!
This is not how I want to spend 2010.  We played Monopoly New Years Eve with the kids and this is how I spent most of the game. I went to jail like 10 times - and I was broke so I couldn't just pay to get out; I had to sit there and try to roll doubles which of course I didn't do when I needed them!

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