I let her play games on my cell phone. She might be addicted to it as much as I am.

The garden haul today. I got 12 peppers off my single little pepper plant. I roasted them up on the grill, skinned them, and froze them separately on a Silpat. I will put them in a freezer bag and use as needed - which isn't that often cause Robert and the kids aren't big pepper people. They smelled so good roasting on the grill.

For some reason I thought the shed would take longer to build. I have NO idea why I thought that. And boy was I wrong, at this rate it will be done before the end of this month or something else just as crazy.
Yesterday, he got the third wall up. The one with the window.


The view from the window.

Then today, he got the fourth wall up. The one with the door.

FOUR WALLS! After getting this wall up Robert started working on the roof trusses, which will probably be up by the end of this weekend.

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