
19 August 2013

Final summer days

224/365 - Simba was not amused by the puppy's antics.  Leia was bouncing around, shaking her toy and trying to get me to throw it for her.
  224_365 08-12-13

225/365 - The grand parents took the kids camping for a couple days and on the second night Robert and I went out to hang out with them for a bit.  We were able to go because the campground was only about 30 minutes away. If I had known they were going to camp so close (they were going to go about 2 hours away) I would have tried to get a couple days off to go with.
  225_365 08-13-13

Some other photos from our time at Jones Creek Campground.

226/365 - Leia is always trying to get someone to play with her, and with that cute of a face it's hard to say no.
  226_365 08-14-13

 227/365 - Had to make a Costco trip and Adam went with to help me lift the heavy stuff (dog and cat food bags) and hoping to get free samples.  Since they didn't have free samples out on a weeknight I bought him a strawberry sundae from the concession stand and while we were waiting for it I noticed the reflection of the lights in his glasses and thought it looked interesting/cool.
  227_365 08-15-13

228/365 - Friday I FINALLY was able to get out to the garden for the first time in a week during my lunch break and picked a bunch of green beans. I cleaned and canned them into 7 quarts. :)
228_365 08-16-13

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