
07 November 2011

Menu Monday

Yo, Becca - Blogger has scheduled publishing!

K, now that I've figured that out I just might keep getting this out on time!

Sunday - Goulash*
Monday - BBQ pork ribs and salad
Tuesday - Meatballs, crash hot potatoes, green beans
Wednesday - FFY
Thursday - Taco bar
Friday - BBQ chicken tenders and macaroni salad
Saturday - Turkey dinner! (Mmm, left over turkey sandwiches)

* This is one meal my stepmother used to make that my brothers are often asking me the recipe for. I've since forgotten how to make it exactly so now I'm trying to figure it out for them.  And maybe I'll make it better.**

** The goulash was deemed good! And complimented by the kids scarfed it down and asked for seconds before I could even get through one dish.  Would you like me to share the recipe?

Grrr - this stupid post didn't post! Stupid post.

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