
02 February 2013

Groundhog day

32_365 02-01-13


The sun was making an appearance late Friday so I sat on the porch with Simba for a bit.

Carus was doing better.  I did not feel good though. Robert stayed home to help take care of her so I worked.  Since she didn't have a fever all day and she was bouncing around I let her talk me into going to dance class, but by the end of it she was crashing, and so was I.

33_365 02-02-13

I slept in super late this morning and woke up to find that it was absolutely gorgeous outside.  It was like 60 degrees and SUNNY!  I don't know if we're going to be getting spring early or if there are six more weeks of winter, but I will take the sun while I can get it. Since it was nice, we headed out to do a bit of yard work.  I trimmed a few bushes and cleaned up a couple flower beds.

Robert decided it was time to cut down the little rowan tree before it bloomed. We both liked the tree, it was a very nice tree.  Unfortunately the berries make a mess and the tree is killing the grass and making it quite soggy.

We don't have a chain saw so it was cut down the old fashioned way.  Even Adam got to do some cutting.

They cut it high so Robert can pull the stump up easily. They cut it most of the way through and then gave it a little pull and kept pulling to help control where it fell.

And then I created a little animated gif of the tree coming down.

(If you're reading this post in an email you might have to go to the post on the site to be able to see the animated image below. I'm not sure if it will show up in the email. There should be a link at the end of this email that will take you to it.)

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