In the morning was a baby and family shoot at a lovely park in Hillsboro, Dawson Creek Park. I have sneak peeks of that shoot on my photo blog, here. And then in the evening I did another individual/family shoot BUT I can't share that one yet. The lovely lady who was star of that shoot hired me because she wanted to surprise her husband with some nice photos of herself and I suggested we add in some with her grandkids as well since Father's day is coming up. As soon as he's seen his photos, I can share it. I probably won't remember here (though I'll try) so follow the photo blog or my Facebook page.
Dawson Creek park was so pretty. It has a pond so it's quite popular with ducks and geese. We watched a family feed the ducks, which was extremely amusing, and a geese family with several babies, and then a momma duck and her ducklings.

There is also a tunnel with chalk drawings on it. There were a few drug and gang related drawings, but the majority were lovely messages and initials in hearts with dates.

Have a Wonderful Day

Unicorns Rule

I Love You Indubitably

Do You Believe In Magic?

I <3 p="" you="">

Be Kind

It's the Most Wonderful Time of Year
Sunday, I spent most of the day editing photos. I took a few breaks to go to the park and to work in the garden.

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