Photo SOOC (straight-out-of-camera) with no editing or cropping.
That was yesterday (Friday's) 365, and right now I don't have my 365 for today. Well I do have it, but I don't have permission to post it. I took a team photo of Carus's soccer team today after the game, but I want permission from the other parents before I post it...sooo we wait for permission and get it and then I post it OOORRR I don't get permission and I find another photo.
Now on why today was busy - We had Carus's soccer game this morning. They tied, 2 to 2. The girls did so good. Carus was goalie the second half of the game and in the last moments of the game, when the other team tried to make a goal, they kicked the ball and it went up and Carus caught the ball in mid air. I didn't get the shot before it got to her arms, but I did get it after. She looked so happy, surprised and proud of herself for catching that ball. See:

This photo is SOOC as well, but is cropped.
Hhmmm, maybe this will be my backup 365 photo if the team photo one doesn't work out.
After the game we came home for lunch and then the kids and I went with some friends to the Faire in the Grove (Renaissance Fair), which was fun!! And I have tons of photos to go through from that. I will work on getting a set put together on my Flickr and will post some here too.
There was sword fighting by the kids and by Faire participants that we watched, archery (kids participated), handmade goods to look at, we learned how they made glass beads, what games they played, what music they heard, how they did workworking, how they spun wool into yarn, how books were made/written before the printing press, and how they were bound, and had tons of fun.
After that, we headed home to veg on the couch, have some dinner, and/or do whatever but I found I didn't have my house key (Robert was out with friends because he didn't want to go to the Faire, and over two hours away). Carus had taken my mailbox key to go check the mail yesterday (and my house key was on the same detachable key ring as the mailbox key) and then she forgot to put it back.
We'll go shopping. We need clothes for summer and Hawaii (if you didn't already know we are going to Hawaii in a few weeks to celebrate Robert and mine 10 year anniversary) so the kids and I went shopping and out to dinner to kill some time before Robert got back this a-ways to let us in.
It was a great, busy day and I have the sunburn (just a little one) and sore pocketbook to prove it!
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