But the good news was that we got Granny and Gramps all to ourselves. Muaahaha (that's my evil villian laugh).
Granny took us to the Space Hall of Fame to get our edumacation on. It was much cooler than I remember it, and I remembered it as pretty cool. I think the kids had a pretty good time and learned some things. They seem to share mine and Robert's enjoyment in museums and monuments.

Outside the museum they have displays of decommissioned rockets, missles, and the like all relating to space exploration and military history.

As a kid, I beleived than Ham was buried there, but I was mistaken. He has a commemorative plaque there and he spent his retirement in a zoo in North Carolina.

Carus did really well on the flight simulator. Better than Adam, on her first try, and she's not a big video game person. If NASA was still sending astronauts into space, they might have earned another one. She enjoyed teasing Adam with how well she did compared to him.

74/366 - Posing with Granny.

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