Pretty clouds seen while waiting at the bus stop this morning.

The bus showed up - but was late. I called the bus company to see how late and they again couldn't find the stop or Carus in the system. At that point I was starting to lose it and when I said that I had been assured repeatedly that the bus would be there to pick her up this morning I was quickly transfered to who I assume is a head honcho, who remembered me from last week. It only took her a second to radio the bus and find out how late she was running (my point of calling). Idiots.
I thought I had given the full bus saga story before, but looking back I've just mentioned it. I've complained on Facebook a couple of times though.
Full story:
Mid August we are supposed to get a little postcard from the bus company to let us know which bus the kids are to ride to and from school as well as their pick up and drop off times. Adam's card showed up, Carus's did not. I waited a week and called. They assured me that it would probably show up, and even though they couldn't find her in their system, nor our stop (though Adam was in the system) they said she would probably be riding bus B and Adam was confirmed as riding bus A.
A week before school starts, the postcard still hasn't shown up and I wanted confirmation of her bus route so I called back. They still couldn't find her or our stop in the system, and after some digging around (not sure what the guy was doing) I was told she would be riding bus A. But wait, that's Adam's bus... I was reassured that that was correct and that it would go to Carus's school and then to Adam's. At one point in that conversation he even told me, "Just stick her on his bus and we'll get her to school." Um, thanks random stranger, I'm totally cool with that plan. He then suggested that the school hadn't sent her information over to them and I should call them.
Two days later I finally got a hold of the school (they were really busy with back to school I get it)(it probably would have been sooner if I left a voice mail earlier than I did)(I don't like leaving voice mails) and they didn't have a bus route listed for her. They called the bus company, again came back with bus A and when I told them that was Adam's bus which goes to an entirely different school, I was reassured again that it was correct.
Okay. Weird, but okay.
First day of school and the bus has a history of not showing up for the past two years (new to a school students and new to the district students start a day earlier than everyone else) so I take Carus to school to avoid the wait for a bus that probably won't show up. We've told Carus which bus she is to get on after school - bus A.
She gets home an hour later than she should because there was NO bus A at the school. NOT AT ALL! The school office put her on bus B and bus B had to figure out how to get her at her stop (correct side of a busy highway so she doesn't have to cross). I call the bus company and was told that bus A was at her school and that they would be calling the school to talk to them about it, and that yes Carus should be riding bus A morning and afternoon. I don't believe them.
I go to the stop the next morning and ask Adam's bus driver if he goes to Carus's school and his exact words were, "Uh, no. Why should I?"
BOOM. My head exploded.
He radio'd and they told him they didn't know what I was talking about and could he take her. Yes he could. But I wouldn't let him. Cause of the head exploding thing.
I called and that was the first time I talked to my head honcho lady. She rerouted bus B to make sure that it stopped correctly for Carus and gave me a new pick up time that was 10 minutes after Adam's.
The next morning - Friday - the bus doesn't show up. I call and was told that she was running late and I probably just missed her as we had already started walking back to the house for me to take Carus to school.
That leads us to this morning. See above for that. Getting Carus home hasn't been too hard for them, and the school is not far, but I am anxious until she walks in that door. I can take her every morning since it's before I start work - but I can't pick her up easily. If I have to, I have to though so...
We'll see how tomorrow goes!
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