Okay, enough whining. ON TO MY 365 catch-up. Again.
337/365 - Christmas tree 2011. I think I want a new tree topper, but I haven't found anything I really really like yet - so sticking with the all red star for now. What you can't see is all the lights I have in the window behind the blinds. It's looks pretty from outside and also when the blinds are open.

338/365 - Robert's current project - Shelving in the garage for stuffs so that maybe some day we'll actually be able to, you know, park a car in the garage. You can't really tell from the angle of this picture, but this was just the 2x4 bracing. You'll have to wait for the "DONE" photo.

It's done now, but I don't have a picture yet. And I'm not taking one today - or at least right now. Maybe in a bit when I go off to take my 365 for today. (SPOILER ALERT: Today's 365 will not be included in this post.)
339/365 - Wilbur kitty. He's so soft and fluffy. And meow-y.

340/365 - The most exciting photo ever! This 365 is serving as a reminder of what happened that day at its best - the day the TV bulb blew out and we spent a week without a TV in the living room while waiting for the new bulb ordered off the internet to arrive. It is supposed to get here between Tuesday and Saturday this week. Technically, we could have a week and a half with no TV! Crazy, right?! I miss TV, even though we still have one in the bedroom. And on my laptop.

341/365 - Christmas sunset

342/365 - Cold frosty morning run in the yard with Leia. You'd think from this picture that we were playing fetch, but no. She was running back and forth across the yard - past me each direction - with the stick in her mouth. She can play fetch, but apparently she was okay with cutting out the middle man.

343/365 - Annual Christmas dinner at Multnomah Falls Lodge. This is Multnomah Falls.

This past week, I also realized that I'm a day off in my numbering of 365s. Going back and going over my numbers I did find an error where I doubled up on a number. Then later, I skipped a number. However, after fixing those errors I still end up at this number so... I dunno - I could still end up at 365 at the end of this year, but with the way it counts now it will be 364 on December 31st.
Counting is a strong suit.
Laughing at the dog cutting out the middleman. I should try this with my girls. You would have laughed like crazy at Doralee catching snowballs....